What Others Are Saying
So this is what Goldberg does now?
Now I want to have sex with a wolf
I'm all for this one and stuff, but he's a ware-wolf, in broad day light, with out a full moon. Actually, when I thought about it, the full moons are covered up to make it SFW.
Is dude getting raped?
Original Please.
great caption! "this is what goldberg does now ?" lmfao
my god i want them both to fuck me
'Roid Rage much? :P lol
That blood was actually in the original.
Yeah, it's rape... Link: http://www.gotgayporn.com/videos/33939/cowboys-rape-a-bandit/
wtf was going on in the first place?! hahaha my captcha said "deeper happy" XD
Does anyone else wants the original pic?
ugh who ever fucks niggers should be shot
I love the second comment. I must admit, he's 'very' observant.
to whoever made the racist comment o_o they're both white
lol i like it
I want someone to snap a broomstick off in my ass!!!
whats that movie :)
I knew mario was the leader of the duo but I would never have thought Luigi would resort to this.
So this is what Goldberg does now?