What Others Are Saying
go to pornhub.com and look at categories and go to 'funny' for real pic
She's geting a facial!
Why does it look like someone shit on the floor right behind her? Its either shit or pumpkin guts
looks like hes jabbing her eyes out xD
omg is his fingers in her eyes mg
my captcha said it all.. "that's brackish"
Lol she was originally getting teabagged
It's good for you skin...
I've seen the real image. It's his balls on her eyelids!
You can't spell facial without FAIL.
Dx bad piccy BAD PICCY
http:// www.arabgoggles. com/
if anyone wants to see real image... http://www.arabgoggles.com/
wouldnt wanna see it without the paint...
go to pornhub.com and look at categories and go to 'funny' for real pic