What Others Are Saying
seriously who is that guy he constantly makes weird faces.
Since when is making a super shocked face sexy in any way?
i was gonna ask where she got that tubetop but nevermind
lol Dr. House
I love how feverishly the guy who's head is on fire wishes it wasn't
This picture literally can't be explained..
OMG! what are you doing! steve's hair's on fire!!1
That lloks like michael mcdonald from madtv!
Your not doing it right turn it the other way
haha with the shape and color of the hose there really was no need to cover it up rotfl
don't worry guys...... "flame off!"
I really wish these were not edited. lol
that one with the weird face is Rocco :P
anyone have the original?
(Guy who's head is on fire): Stop drinking the fucking water and put me out!!!!
Probably afraid of tits
original please
seriously who is that guy he constantly makes weird faces.