What Others Are Saying
Horny Leg.
Fake and gay
There is nothing wron...... OHH FUCK OWWW!!!!!!
its real
That guy had one horny leg.
When people are cruel to animals they deserve shit like this.
Holy horn
Wow I think u Shud geta doctor to look at that
I feel really sick after seeing this D:
Omg O.o
Horny Leg.
Mess with a bull and you get the horns. Suck eggs buddy, bet you leave the bull alone now!!
That guy is stabbing a bull with his leg horn!
NOPE! Chuck Testa
Talk about being Horned! Horny much?
NOPE! Chuck Testa
Oh god get this black guy of of me!
Omg is he okay
Owie Hey, at least its not through his throat
Just like the original!
Would you like your Ice with CREAM?
No Blood?!?!?
Horny Leg.