What Others Are Saying
jerk chicken
Dont choke the chicken
The chiken spet on him
that poor chicken has a small, scrotum-shaped body
He's playing with his cock! :D
The chicken threw up :(
You can see the dick's shadow
LOL@ the jizz btween his fingers, XD
I believe we have a winrar.
Found the original! http://www.google.se/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JyrVMlUHWLk/TWcMaG9wpxI/AAAAAAAAf0I/DqbSz_-gkMA/s1600/_1830%2B%2525281%252529.jpg&imgrefurl=http://arrombeoarmarioesaia2.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html&h=750&w=500&sz=56&tbnid=j1_WsG_71FbjQM&tbnh=275&tbnw=183&zoom=1&usg=__c2pawgsYhkqnH2okhb1dJgMddDI=&hl=sv&sa=X&ei=EnYmUI3bPLD14QSG9oCgBg&ved=0CDUQ8g0
Taking choking the chiken to a whole new level of seriousness
Hahaha choking the chicken! This is hilarious!!
Found the original! http://www.google.se/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JyrVMlUHWLk/TWcMaG9wpxI/AAAAAAAAf0I/DqbSz_-gkMA/s1600/_1830%2B%2525281%252529.jpg&imgrefurl=http://arrombeoarmarioesaia2.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html&h=750&w=500&sz=56&tbnid=j1_WsG_71FbjQM&tbnh=275&tbnw=183&zoom=1&usg=__c2pawgsYhkqnH2okhb1dJgMddDI=&hl=sv&sa=X&ei=EnYmUI3bPLD14QSG9oCgBg&ved=0CDUQ8g0
Haha @ the chicken's face! It's like "What have you done to me?!"
you may call that cock
I give you respect for editing a pic like that
COCK a doodle doo
look at that dumb cracker. he cant even get a girl like the black guyss in these pornos so he does gay porn or jerk off porn. what a loser
EEEwww He got chicken sweat on him!
jerk chicken