What Others Are Saying
I think the worst in this picture is that the guy who made it watches grandmother's fucking, and probably jerks off on his G.mothers pics ILL
well thats just....ew.
I don't know what is worse, the fact that the hideous old bag poses naked for pics in the first place, or that the creator of this travesty to the eyes used such a picture, the lack of any comedy value at all, to a poorly produced piece of garbage. F-
=D original, please
Well, I think she's a fox. I hope that pie is for two. *wink* *wink*
Thank God that was censored!
She's my Grandmother, Oh god what have she done...
"Finally, I take out my teeth and just run them around the edges of the pie crust." WHAT?
Grandma's Pie.. I love it!
It's all fun and games until an old lady gets her tits out.
I think the worst in this picture is that the guy who made it watches grandmother's fucking, and probably jerks off on his G.mothers pics ILL